ADAPT project (“Accelerated Development of multiple-stress tolerAnt PoTato”)

Project duration: 2020 - 2024

ADAPT project (“Accelerated Development of multiple-stress tolerAnt PoTato”) aims at identifying new breeding targets and matching potato varieties to specific challenging environmental growth conditions of the future. The ADAPT project is coordinated by Markus Teige at the Molecular Systems Biology lab at the Department of Functional and Evolutionary Ecology, Faculty of Life Sciences. It will take place over the next four years with a total budget of 5 million Euro from the EU Horizon 2020 program (No GA 2020 862-858).

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Project duration: 2022 - 2028

Horizon Europe project that aims to exploit the interactions between plants and soil micro-organisms to improve the resilience of agricultural crops to future climate change. The project is carried out in collaboration between Aarhus University, University of Copenhagen, BOKU (Austria), ICARDA (Lebanon), MetasysX (Germany), Photon Systems Instruments (Czech Republic) and Lantmannen (Sweden).

The project focuses on how to improve the resource efficiency and drought resistance of agricultural crops by optimising the interactions between plant roots and the existing microbiota - the communities of micro-organisms already present in the soil.

The BarleyMicroBreed project is funded under HORIZON-CL6-2021-BIODIV-01-13 - Breeding for resilience: focus on root-based traits call by and grant agreement number 101060057.

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Agentura: TA ČR
Reg. č.: TN02000020
Datum trvání projektu od: 1. 1. 2023 do: 31. 12. 2028

Centrum pokročilé elektronové a fotonové optiky (CAEPO) je ambiciózní projekt, který navazuje na úšpěšný program CEPO a sjednocuje klíčové akademické a průmyslové partnery v České republice. Hlavním cílem projektu je podpora excelence výzkumu v oblastech elektronových, fotonových a kvantových technologií a jejich aplikací v praxi. Tento projekt zdůrazňuje transfer znalostí mezi akademickými a průmyslovými partnery, a to zejména v oblastech:

  • Elektronová a světelná mikroskopie a spektroskopie

  • Pokročilé lasery a jejich aplikace

  • Opto-vláknové sensory a sondy

  • Mikro- a nanostrukturované povrchy a optické prvky

  • Ultracitlivá detekce na hranici fyzikálních principů

  • Ultrapřesná metrologie vhodná pro průmyslové aplikace

  • Vývoj sofistikovaných prvků a systémů

  • Synergická spolupráce akademických a průmyslových subjektů zvýší přidanou hodnotu výsledků a posílí konkurenceschopnost Českého průmyslu na globální úrovni.

    Financování projektu

    Tento projekt je spolufinancován se státní podporou Technologické agentury ČR v rámci Programu Národního centra kompetence. Tento projekt je financován v rámci Národního plánu obnovy z evropského Nástroje pro oživení a odolnost.

    CAPITALISE: a European collaborative research project exploiting biodiversity to boost the efficiency of photosynthesis for better crops.

    Project duration: 2020 - 2024

    CAPITALISE: a European collaborative research project exploiting biodiversity to boost the efficiency of photosynthesis for better crops. The CAPITALISE crop research project has been granted 8.6 million Euros from the EC to exploit ground-breaking technology to radically increase crop yields in Europe and beyond. 19 organisations from EU countries, the UK, Israel, and Ethiopia are pooling knowledge and resources to design high yielding crops for the future. The CAPITALISE project is funded by Horizon 2020 under grant agreement number 862201.

    More information about project

    COST Action: Trace metal metabolism in plants

    Project duration: 2020 - 2024

    PlantMetals Project (Action number OC-2019-1-23903) objective is to determine transport pathways of metals from the soil to and through the plant; understand how plant metalloproteins are functioning; evaluate by which mechanisms metal deficiency and toxicity affect plants and how this is modulated in plant-microbe interactions. The PlantMetals project is funded by Horizon 2020 under grant agreement number.

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    “Towards improved crop resilience – discovering essential factors that control chloroplast development”.

    Project duration: 2020 - 2024

    The overall aim of the project is to understand how BE1 and related factors enable the development and homeostasis of chloroplasts, thereby identifying novel targets to increase the resilience of these essential organelles in crops.

    RESPONSE (“RESPONSE - to society and policy needs through plant, food and energy sciences”) Doctoral Programme (Call 2) as laid out in the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 847585.

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    Project No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_026/0008446:
    Integrace signálu a epigenetické reprogramování pro produktivitu rostlin

    Tento program je financován v rámci Operačního programu Výzkum, Vývoj a Vzdělávání a spolufinancován z ESIF prostřednictvím OP VVV.

    Období řešení: 01.07.2018–31.12.2022.

    Hlavním cílem projektu je identifikovat klíčové regulátory umožňující integraci signálních drah pro faktory vnějšího prostředí, hormony a faktory indukované stresem s epigenetickými regulacemi a stanovit jejich roli jako potenciálních cílů v produkci rostlin odolných vůči stresu.


    Project. No. CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/17_107/0012333:
    Technologický Komplex "TECH-IN-PLAR"

    Tento program je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.

    Období řešení: 01.01.2019–30.6.2021.

    Cílem projektu je vývoj inovativní klimatické komory s programovatelným robotickým manipulátorem a intelektuálním video monitorovacím systémem, TECH-IN-PLAR, pro in vitro & ex vitro pěstování rostlin. Podstatu navrhovaných technologických inovací komplexu TECH-IN-PLAR je přesná regulace požadovaných parametrů podmínek mikroklimatu (teplota, vlhkost, atd.), velká prostorová homogenita těchto parametrů a robotizace celého systému, která poskytne plně automatizovaný provoz linky. Tento unikátní hardware umožní spojení dvou nejnákladnějších fází mikropropagace rostlinného materiálu (proces zakořenění a adaptace) do jednostupňového procesu - ex vitro zakořenění.

    Overview of Finished Projects

    Project No. 2017 Prot. 2017FYBLPP. PHOBOS project. Industry partner within the project “Use of protein-hydrolysates as biostimulants of vegetable crops: elucidating their mode of action and optimizing their effectiveness through a multidisciplinary approach. Project duration: 2019 - 2022

    ARC Linkage Project, Imaging Technology : Advances in Plant Growth Evaluation and Phenomics [/h3]
    Project duration: 2014 - 2020

    Project No. CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/16_045/0009012:
    Analýza molekulárních markerů senescence listů Arabidopsis thaliana. Project duration: 2016 - 2020

    Project No. 675006:
    Solar Energy to Biomass (SE2B): Optimisation of light energy conversion in plants and microalgae. Project duration: 2016 - 2020

    Project No. 4.1 INO1/184: Photo-Bioreactor. Project duration: January 1, 2008 - December 15, 2009.

    Project No. A/CZ0046/1/0021: How Will Climate Change Affect Aquatic Photosynthetic Production? Project duration: Oct 1, 2008 - March 31, 2010.

    Project No. 4.1 IN03/326: FytoScope. Project duration: Sept 4, 2009 - June 1, 2011.

    Project No. 226880: Productivity Tools: Automated Tools to Measure Primary Productivity in European Seas. Project duration: September 1, 2009 - August 31, 2012.

    Project No. 218467: EcoBug - An Innovative Industrial Bioreacting and Fermentation Process producing an Organic Insect Repellent-Fertilizer for Ecological Farming. Project duration: November 1, 2008 - September 30, 2011.

    Project No. 2B06129: Model Organisms As a Key to the Understanding of Functions of Disease-Related Human Genes. Project duration: July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2011.

    Project No. 262549: IATS - Development of an innovative, completely automated antifouling test system for professional examinations of marine coatings. Project duration: February 1, 2011 - January 31, 2013.

    Project No. 262011: PREMIVM - Low-cost, hand-held, and non-invasive optical sensor for multiparametric field analysis of grapes and leaves in vineyards. Project duration: February 1, 2011 - September 31, 2013.

    Project No. FR-TI1/433: Development of Instrumentation and Methodology for the Selection of Photoautotrophic Microorganisms for Production of Higher-Generation Biofuels. Project duration: July 1, 2009 - July 31, 2013.

    Project No. PITN-GA-2009-238017: Control of Light Use Efficiency in Plants and Algae - From Light to Harvest. Project duration: October 1, 2009 - September 30, 2013.

    Project No. TA01010254: Methodology and Construction of an Instrument for Rapid Monitoring of High Temperature Grown Plants. Project duration: January 1, 2011 - December 31, 2013.

    Project No. 206/09/1284: Cyanobacterial Cell Factory: Modeling and Experimental Validation of Models of Photosynthetic Energy Conversion, of Growth, and of Production. Project duration: January 1, 2009 - December 31, 2013.

    Project No. 256808: Direct Biological Conversion of Solar Energy to Volatile Hydrocarbon Fuels by Engineered Cyanobacteria. Project duration: October 1, 2010 - September 30, 2014.

    Project No. TA 02010945: ALAI-02DD a new instrument for forest practice. Project duration: January 1, 2012 - December 31, 2014.

    Project No. TA 02020626: Extension of the instrument base by gazometric modules as components of smart growth chambers, and by automatic gazometric system for measurements of gas exchange in situ. Project duration: January 1, 2012 - December 31, 2015.

    Project No. PITN-GA-2013-608422: IDP BRIDGES, IDP Bridging Plant Science and Policy. Project duration: 2013 - 2016.

    Project No. 15-22000S: Deciphering the molecular mechanisms integrating light and hormonal regulation of plant development. Project duration: 2015 - 2017.

    Project No. TA04021380: Biosensing for Monitoring of Toxic Elements in the Environment. Project duration: 2014 - 2017.

    Project No. TA03010642: PMT - Advanced techniques of interferometric optical micro-manipulations. Project duration: 2013 - 2016.